I was born in Solothurn on the 22nd August 2004. My native language is Swiss German but trough school (and Netflix) I learned fluent English and upper intermediate French.
I am very determined and I know what I want. I am aware that achieving my goals will bring a lot of work, but I am confident and motivated to be able to do it. I'm able to make my own decisions and my relatives thinks I am independent and mature for my age.
Most people see me as quite talkative. I think this is because I am a cheerful person and I am not shy. I love to meet new people and teamwork. In my opinion, being part of a team will always allow me to go further.
Since I'm four years old, I'm fascinated by horses and since I'm eight years old I practice regulary once a week.
Since I'm thirteen years old I play two times a week unihockey with my team "UHC Rüttenen". The past two years we even played at the swiss championsships. It's a great sport and I love my team, we're like a little family.
During my whole childhood I always went to the camps of the "JUBLA (Jungwach und Blauring) St. Niklaus. I always enjoyed the time out side in the nature with so many great people. That's why I'm now an leader myself."
A couple of years ago I discovered the theatre and now it's a big passion of myslef. I love to act in front of other people and the teamwork is just wonderful.